JSC MAGE fully understands its social responsibility for creation of safe working conditions, health protection of its employees and local population as well as for preservation of favorable environment at sites of geophysical works.
MAGE has developed prevention and safety measures operating efficiently. The most effective method of reduction of traumatism rate and incident rate is a timely detection of hazards, their evaluation, and elaboration of adequate measures aimed at elimination or reduction of consequence severity. For this purpose, MAGE worked out and adopted procedures for analysis of risks. The effectiveness of proposed measures for risks elimination is evaluated in the planning stage, and their compliance with HSE requirements is monitored by qualified employees.
Each operator is responsible for safe execution of works in conformity with guidelines and procedures, for use of properly functioning equipment and personal protection equipment, for submission of reports on hazards and risks detected at working places, as well as for enforcement of the right for
shutdown in the event of a danger to life or health.
All this is performed within the framework of MAGE Safety management
system certified by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping and deemed to
comply with the requirements of the International Management Code for the Safe
Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention (ISM Code). MAGE also follows IAGC and OGP guidance documents. Consistent reduction of occupational traumatism and diseases allowed
lowering of accident rate at MAGE facilities to the level of leading
geophysical companies of the world.